It's a Monday!
How do I know this? Well, for starters it's pouring rain, gray, icy cold and six of my eight kids are home sick. Add in that I can't find my brand new digital camera and today was the day I had promised myself I'd go shopping for new undergarments....I'm just a bit tired of opening my drawer and finding gray, stretched out bras and panties (yikes...does a mother of eight even refer to them as panties?) waiting for me each day. So the big Monday treat was to be shopping!
That said, no go on the new bras and undies, but I do have an unexpected day to lounge on the couch with the patients in my sick ward--so can I really complain? Does anyone really want to listen? That's what I thought!
No problem...I will enjoy what the day brings and my motto of
"this too shall pass" will have to carry me through!